Friday, May 11, 2007

Singapore, are you ready?

"Singapore to host F1 Grand Prix next year"

Hardly surprising. Haha. And despite the Minister saying that it could "potentially" be held at night, I think that's just being diplomatically correct. F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone has been a staunch supporter for night races in Asia to increase viewership in Europe. I would be very surprised if the Singapore GP turns out to be a day event. Let's just sit back, relax and enjoy the smell of the burning rubber... Heading to a durian near you.

The so-called Whale-Jet is finally coming. The 1st A380 to be delivered to SQ is finally out of the paint shop and scheduled for delivery in October this year and will be initially deployed on SIN-Sydney sector. Why not Melbourne?!

Take a look at the "O" in the "Singapore". It's actually slightly 'taller' than the other characters. Hmm.
Notice the engines are not yet installed on the wings.

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