Saturday, April 18, 2009

End-of-Holiday Report 4

With the increasing backlog of outstanding posts, I have decided to continue with my End of Holiday Reports before it gets forgotten. First stop, Rome. It turned out to be my favourite city, even ahead of the more 'romanticised' Venice. The sheer number of ruins and monuments in this city has left me in awe of the tremendous history of this once-great civilisation. It was difficult to find words to describe the feeling of standing within the Colossuem, for example, at the very spot that gladiators fought it out almost 2,000 years ago. You could almost hear the roar of the 50,000 strong crowd despite there being just skeletal remains of the structure now. It is almost unimaginable how the human race could conjure up such an architectural marvel at that age. My 2-day stop in Rome, despite sufficient to cover all the major attractions, left me with an somewhat unsatisfying 'after-taste'. I certainly look forward to visiting this great city again in the future, spending more time to soak in and appreciate the history behind this historic city.

12 hours aboard the SQ aging Boeing 777-200ERs, equipped with the older generation KrisWorld Inflight Entertainment System. Loved every minute onboard nonetheless, Still a Great Way to Fly..
This picture just doesn't seem to do the Colosseum enough justice.
Vatican MuseumSt. Peters Basilica