Wednesday, July 04, 2007


I'm sure lovin' this.. Procrastinating everyday.. =) Bleaching... Movies... Bowling for the first time in years... ($8 per game!!!!!! And it's already a Special offer rate. Usual Price $14 -_-) Transformers was indeed great, the opening sequences already had me holding my breath.....

With another semester beckoning, it's pleasing to know that I've more or less fulfilled my 'mission' here for my first year. With only one blemish on my report card (darn Biz Law..), it remains to be seen whether I can maintain these lofty standards can be maintained in the coming years. I've restricted myself from participating in extra-curricular activities until Year 2 to make sure I get my studies on track first. Now, the time has come for me to take on other challenges as well.

My friend recently asked, "I can't imagine how you can get the grades that you got in SRJC given your competitiveness". Good Question. I didn't know how I spent those years as well. Just lost my way somewhat I guess. Somehow I always knew that I had that competitiveness somewhere inside me, though nowhere as strong as the Mr. 4.9s and 4.8s, Mr Dentist and Mr. T-Rexs.... They have undoubtedly set the benchmark as the pace-setters. Catch them if you can.

I'll have some anxious waiting for the next few weeks... On one front, the eligibility for overseas exchange pending a meeting with the manager for student services, and on the other, perhaps more significant, whether I managed to break into the Top 5% bracket.

Meanwhile.. more photos... 2 of the World's Best Universities sitting side by side in Boston's Cambridge precinct..

John Harvard

Harvard University


Capitol Hill
FBI Building

White House


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