Darn. I'm already back in Melbourne. And much to the disappointment of a lot of you out there, I haven't been burnt alive yet. On the contrary, weather's been rather chilly and rainy since I'm back and my knee's hurting. After almost 4 months of break, it is perhaps of no surprise that I'm still in the process of getting back into the groove of studying amidst some massive decisions to be made over the coming weeks regarding the short-to-medium term future. It will be a very busy semester ahead, I can foresee. Not so much in the academic sense, that will take care of itself, as well the results. But more of what is going to happen in the months after June.
Since my return, I've been pretty much occupied with S.A.M matters and it is to my disappointment that our efforts have not yielded the desired results, not yet anyway. It is demoralising, but I'm the last person who should be displaying such disappointment, for such emotions are contagious, and I'll still need the team to be fired up for the coming semester.
For the first time, I flew Qantas back to Melbourne and out goes SQ227/237, in comes QF10. While a lot of you have expressed surprise of my choice of flight, it is of no surprise to me and it certainly wasn't difficult for me to choose Qantas ahead of Singapore Airlines when the price is of such: Qantas - $1,120; SIA - $1,680. Thats a whopping $560, or close to 150% of Qantas' fare. Even in the most rosy of economic circumstances, that's just extortion. So, it was with great anticipation that I look forward to observing just how SIA feel they could justify charging passengers $560 more for a 7hr flight.

The Qantas Boeing 747-400 was visibly aged, even more so than the already-aged SIA Boeing747s. It was clear from the designs of the overhead bulkheads and storage bins that this is of an older variant as compared to the SIA ones. The seats and leg-room wise, wasn't too bad, comparable to the SIA 747s, but obviously pales in comparison to the 777-300ERs. However, it wasn't too long before I start noticing where the $560 come from. Gone are the warm towels to freshen up before departure. The initial refreshment/beverage offering, shortly after take-off, SIA would have a variety of drinks available, while Qantas only provided bottled Mineral Water. Perhaps the most startling difference is the Inflight Entertainment System (IFE). The IFE suffered glitches during its inbound flight from London and the problems continued, resulting in the Inflight Service Manager having to reboot the entire aircraft's IFE twice, after the initial attempt failed to resolve the glitch. That's an hour without any sort of entertainment. No big deal actually, but the differences in the quality of service is certainly starting to surface. The number of movies on offer were pathetic to say the least. -_- Now, that's the hardware.

Software. The thing I've always felt about SIA's service is that, it's impeccable alright, but everything's just where and how it should be, resulting in the lack of personal touch from the attendants, generally speaking. The Qantas service was evidently more spontaneous. While some attendants were obviously poor, there was one which showed incredible frenliness that you would not encounter on SIA. You could really tell that it was service straight from the heart, and not because that was what they had to do, in compliance with company policy.
Dinner was pretty alright actually but the portion and presentation was definitely not to the standard of SIA. No desserts or fruits but the 'main course' tasted pretty ok. One interesting thing to note, even the Coke can that was given to me, was the mini-can, and not the usual full sized ones given by SIA.
Breakfast was actually better than SIA. I loved the croissant much more than the muffins in SIA flights but some overnight SIA flights do offer Omelette with sausages, a real warm breakfast, something which Qantas did not have though.
In conclusion, you get what you pay for. No online check-in, no choosing of seats online, aged aircrafts, mediocre IFE, average food. But for $560 less, I'll happily grab it. I'm on the Qantas A380 via Sydney for the return leg, let's see how it compares with the SIA A380. =)