Thursday, March 12, 2009

End-of-Holiday Report 2

I don't even know why am I typing this. I'm freakin' tired and drained. And it's only goddamn Week 2. It's undoubtedly taking a toll on me but at least academically wise, I'm beginning to feel the part and slowly turning on the Study Mode. It's been nothing short of a whirlwind couple of weeks, with much of my life revolving around S.A.M. I've had enough of S.A.M in my real life, in this blogosphere, S.A.M shall be banned, at least for this entry.
So, what have I done in my 3 months plus in Singapore?

Meeting up with 4Ds was no mean feat. Everyone is incredibly busy, with work/academic/relationship commitments keeping meet-ups to just quick meals or those which do not see the light of day. The 3 poor buddies had to resort to meeting past midnight just to catch a glimpse of each other, not to mention that I had to wait until January before I see Chua Thiam Hao.

And meeting up with SR peeps was not much better either, with both occasions ending up being at PLU. One positive note however, I picked up the game called UNO. -_-" Sad Childhood, I hear you say.